forgive me for not posting for so many days, yes, i fall sick.
headache, cough etc etc... hate it!
i do notice i always fall sick in the end of a term!!!
what the hell??
haha tis remind me of the friendster blog i use to blog ;p
all the way~ ;p
o ya, do forgive me yay...
and system down so no pics for the mean while..pls bear with me
plssss~ *puppy's eyes* tq.
well, i went to cheeserland to pay my visit again..
then i saw her post bout her trip to singapore
and had the dinner over her friend's place
and they had smoked salmon...
y smoked salmon???
just call it raw la =.=||| swt
no offense
what the hell?
so, can i go to japan and tell them i want smoked salmon sushi?
naniyo?hotoneh bakayo!!!
of coz i wont do that when im thr...
my dad will think im crazy,
and not to gonna make a fool out of myself as a Japaneses.
hotoyo! ;p
cant wait to get my passport!!!!!
and of coz leaving bubu behind is not wat i wanted!
headache, cough etc etc... hate it!
i do notice i always fall sick in the end of a term!!!
what the hell??
haha tis remind me of the friendster blog i use to blog ;p
all the way~ ;p
o ya, do forgive me yay...
and system down so no pics for the mean while..pls bear with me
plssss~ *puppy's eyes* tq.
well, i went to cheeserland to pay my visit again..
then i saw her post bout her trip to singapore
and had the dinner over her friend's place
and they had smoked salmon...
y smoked salmon???
just call it raw la =.=||| swt
no offense
what the hell?
so, can i go to japan and tell them i want smoked salmon sushi?
naniyo?hotoneh bakayo!!!
of coz i wont do that when im thr...
my dad will think im crazy,
and not to gonna make a fool out of myself as a Japaneses.
hotoyo! ;p
cant wait to get my passport!!!!!
and of coz leaving bubu behind is not wat i wanted!
before the day i was sick...
actually going to b sick...body heaty and all :S
dear being TS (Trailing Specialist) for the first time,
being a part of me again ^^
not having a very good time, and im totally disappointed!!
coz even since bubu went for interview,
all of them speak 'PAOTERFULL' english!
there goes the Malaysia first demo(@promo) agent...
no wonder all my friends that was in Demo power
when over to another agent! just Great!
well,tean leader call up and ask dear to replace a gal thats sick,
to do the Nescafe Light 'Rose' (roast idoit)!!!
still thinking whether to jump over to other agent..
but we both still got 1 more project to do.
for the moment.
after work went to bk as usual (burger king)
which is the only fast food shop that opens until 11+
the Neon Network, Ean, Gary, Andrew, Daryl and I
where ken refuse to come due to exam which is 2 weeks later
u own us!!!! mind u!
so Rush Hour 3 is the movie and the main reason we gather..
well, to update ourself oso la ;p
we wonder well..alot of scenes has been cutted...
like the one both of them singing in the cab.
God knows why, its only hour and a half :S
Malaysia so smart, all kind of rules
'cut ini, itu, nah nah ini pun cut!' terima kasih yay!
the ending could be better than just walk away like that or sth..
the action is lesser but wat to do...
our friend Jackie Chan is getting older n older as we grow..
thats one of the reason him being smart invest into fitness gym aik?
wats next?
Ratatouille!! ;]
before the day i was sick...
actually going to b sick...body heaty and all :S
dear being TS (Trailing Specialist) for the first time,
being a part of me again ^^
not having a very good time, and im totally disappointed!!
coz even since bubu went for interview,
all of them speak 'PAOTERFULL' english!
there goes the Malaysia first demo(@promo) agent...
no wonder all my friends that was in Demo power
when over to another agent! just Great!
well,tean leader call up and ask dear to replace a gal thats sick,
to do the Nescafe Light 'Rose' (roast idoit)!!!
still thinking whether to jump over to other agent..
but we both still got 1 more project to do.
for the moment.
after work went to bk as usual (burger king)
which is the only fast food shop that opens until 11+
the Neon Network, Ean, Gary, Andrew, Daryl and I
where ken refuse to come due to exam which is 2 weeks later
u own us!!!! mind u!
so Rush Hour 3 is the movie and the main reason we gather..
well, to update ourself oso la ;p
we wonder well..alot of scenes has been cutted...
like the one both of them singing in the cab.
God knows why, its only hour and a half :S
Malaysia so smart, all kind of rules
'cut ini, itu, nah nah ini pun cut!' terima kasih yay!
the ending could be better than just walk away like that or sth..
the action is lesser but wat to do...
our friend Jackie Chan is getting older n older as we grow..
thats one of the reason him being smart invest into fitness gym aik?
wats next?
Ratatouille!! ;]
Really have to take care of urself oh.. if not, not only end term sick, holidays also sick :(
Let's hope that Ratatouille would be an enjoyable movie experience yah?
Btw, it's than! not then ><
swt u said u wanted to correct them then?
y tell me here...haiz...ok.
hope so. :)
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